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Dhampus Peak Climbing

24 Days

Dhampus Peak Climbing is a summit to Dhampus Peak (6019m) which is located between the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri Himalayan Range. The Peak offers a magnificent view of more than thirty different peaks lies between Annapurna and Dhaulagiri range with close view of Mt. Dhaulagiri (8167m)

After your arrival in Kathmandu, you will be addressed and welcomed by representatives from Asian Adventure Trips. You will then be transferred to the hotel booked for your comfortable accommodation.
We start the day with sightseeing of popular destinations around Kathmandu valley. After the half day sightseeing, pre discussion about the trip is done in the presence of trip leader, crew and other participants of the trek. Asian Adventure Trips will delightfully brief more about the trip and your queries will be answered.
Today we travel to Pokhara to initiate our trek. We can either choose to travel from Kathmandu in a tourist coach or take a flight. Overnight stay in Pokhara.
We drive to Beni and start the trek towards Tatopani passing through beautiful farmlands and scenarios.
We start the day from Tatopani early in the morning. During the day, we pass by villages inhabited by Chettris and Gurung tribes. We ascend gradually to reach Dharapani after crossing a suspension bridge on the way.
Today we trek to the Muri Village, inhabited by Magar tribes of Nepal by passing terraced fields of rice and wheat and with scenic views of mountains. After crossing a suspension bridge over Dhara Khola we ascend towards Muri Village.
After early breakfast we continue our trek. Today the trails descends to the Muri Khola. Our trek continues through the Bamboo Forest and farmhouses and taking the northern route an open fields appear before reaching Boghara.
Our today destination is Dobang. Passing through the bank of Myagdi Khola to Lipshe. On the way we can have glimpses of villagers collecting honey from the elevated trees and Hills. We reach Dobang passing through a forest. Finally we are in our destination.
Today the trail again gives you the dense forest of Rhododendron and Bamboos to walk through. We then cross the Myagdi Khola and follow the trails on the east of the river towards Sallaghari.
Today we again pass through the dense forest and start to climb towards the lateral moraine. After some walk we reach to the Italian Base Camp. From the Base camp, we can have up-close view of Mt Dhaulagiri(8.167m).
Day 11 :
Rest Day
The altitude is the main factor during such trips so that acclimatisation is very important. Today we take rest for acclimatizing before heading to high altitudes. Exploring Italian Base Camp is the best idea to spend the day.
Today destination is Glacier Camp which lies between the Italian Base Camp and Dhaulagiri Base Camp. The trail is very challenging and difficult because we are descending through steeply-icy glacier. We should be very careful and well equipped. After crossing the glacier we head towards Glacier Camp following the narrow trail for the overnight camping.
Today we take rest because we are going to acquire more and more altitude day by day. So acclimatization is essential in such cases. We should look after ourselves and beware of health conditions on the high altitudes.
The trail is very difficult and rough, so today we take each footstep carefully since the trail often covered with snow and slippery. We are excited too.
Today is again another rest day. The day is good before crossing the French Pass (5,360m). Slowly and steadily we get to our destination. No worries but spending the day to explore is worthy.
Today we leave Dhaulagiri Base Camp early in the morning. The trail passes through the left part of the upper Chonbarden glacier. We climb a steep hill towards the lateral moraine with Dhaulagiri mountain views. We ascent to cross the French Pass. The trail to French Pass is not so easy but after reaching the top Pass we can see the beautiful colorful prayer flags floating in the wind. The moment can be one of the beautiful moment for any of us. After a short break at French Pass, we start our journey by descending to our final destination Hidden Valley.
We follow the trail which leads us to the camping site, Dhampus Base Camp. The trail passes through alpine vegetation and excellent views of surrounding peaks. Soon after reaching Dhampus Base Camp we set our Camps and take a deep breath and rest.
This is the last day of acclimatization before Dhampus Peak summit. We prepare ourselves physically and mentally to achieve Dhampus Peak summit.
From Dhampus Base Camp, we head to high camp following the trail through mountain passes. Today we get ready for the summit.
The most awaited moment has come, we start early in the morning with fully equipped and guidance to the summit. We follow our climbing experts to the top of Dhampus Peak. We can observe spectacular mountain views of many peaks as a reward of the summit. After the precious moment at the top, we head back to the Dhampus Base Camp and overnight in the Camp.
After the successful summit to Dhampus Peak, today we head towards our destination Yak Kharka via Dhampus Pass. After 4 Hrs trekking across the mountain covered with snow we descend towards Yak Kharka.
Descending for a long time we reach to Marpha Village - The Apple Garden and following the easy trail from Marpha, we get to the Jomsom. Jomsom is a hub for Mustang Trekkers. It is the time to celebrate.
Its time for Pokhara - lake city, we fly to Pokhara from Jomsom in the morning. We can explore Pokhara and its Beauty. Sightseeing, Boating, Evening walk are the ways to spend time in Pokhara.
We travel for 4-5 Hrs to Kathmandu by bus along Prithvi Highway. Before your planned return from Kathmandu, Asian Adventure Trips organizes farewell dinner for the whole trekking team including guides and porters. We share our experiences with each other and also have an opportunity to plan our next trip to Nepal with Asian Adventure Trips. As per your departure schedule from Kathmandu, Asian Adventure Trips will provide airport transport facility from your hotel.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Dhampus Peak Climbing
From $ 3,805
/ Adult